Upcoming events
Enrico Ceci participates in various antique shows and fairs. Among the most important internationally, we can mention Tefaf Maastricht, where he has showcased his booth since 2020, London Art Week (London), Paris Tableau (Paris and Brussels), and Fine Art Paris (Paris). In Italy, he has taken part in The Milano International Antiques Show (Milan), Arte e Collezionismo (Rome), Flashback (Turin), Gotha (Parma), Brixiantiquaria (Brescia), Modenantiquaria (Modena), and Assisiantiquariato (Assisi).
9 - 14 March 2024

LAW \ London art week - London November/December 2020

TEFAF online - New York November 2020

LAW \ London art week - London July 2020